Carter Capocaccia.

Husband. Father. Developer.

Cover Image for CI/CD Is Easier Than You Think

Using Cypress and Github Actions to Build an Automation Platform. Its easier than you think.

Carter Capocaccia
Carter Capocaccia

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Cover Image for Quick snippets - Stop forcing it!

Quick snippets - Stop forcing it!

Forcing user behavior in automated tests can garner false negative results. A test will pass when in reality, it shouldnt! In this example I review how a Cypress test can fail even when the applicaiton is not functional.

Carter Capocaccia
Carter Capocaccia
Cover Image for Quick Snippets - Validate all page links

Quick Snippets - Validate all page links

Broken links can lead to an exteremely frustrating user experience and checking each link manually is a time consuming process. Using Cypress, we can automate this entire process and ensure all of our links perfom as expected.

Carter Capocaccia
Carter Capocaccia
Cover Image for Data driven test generation - Parallelizing large data sets.

Data driven test generation - Parallelizing large data sets.

A problem arises in test automation when repetitive tasks needs to be performed on large data sets. In this post, I discuss how we can level up from a forEach loop and use Node to unlock parallelization.

Carter Capocaccia
Carter Capocaccia
Cover Image for Accessibility driven test flows using Cypress Testing Library.

Accessibility driven test flows using Cypress Testing Library.

Accessibility concerns are often overlooked on web apps. As QE Engineers, what can we do to make sure that our tests interact with the application similarly to how users would?

Carter Capocaccia
Carter Capocaccia
Cover Image for QA and CI/CD with Vercel and GitHub Actions

QA and CI/CD with Vercel and GitHub Actions

Want to see the QA tools and workflows I use for this site? Check it out here.

Carter Capocaccia
Carter Capocaccia
Cover Image for Effective DOM selector patterns. Interact like a user.

Effective DOM selector patterns. Interact like a user.

There are many ways now to retrieve a DOM node during a test. In this article I rank a few of the more popular methods and provide my opinion as to which ones are viable solutions.

Carter Capocaccia
Carter Capocaccia
Cover Image for Easy mocking of API Requests in Cypress with Mock Service Worker.

Easy mocking of API Requests in Cypress with Mock Service Worker.

Mock Service Worker is a single tool we can use to mock API requests in unit tests, end-to-end tests, and our application. In this example, Cypress starts the worker on its own.

Carter Capocaccia
Carter Capocaccia
Cover Image for Cypress testing CMS configured layouts.

Cypress testing CMS configured layouts.

When testing CMS configured layouts, you have an edge. In this post, I discuss how I create tests for CMS configured layouts.

Carter Capocaccia
Carter Capocaccia
Cover Image for Projects


A few projects from the past.

Carter Capocaccia
Carter Capocaccia
Cover Image for What I use.

What I use.

Some of my favorite tech. Hardware, software, and other.

Carter Capocaccia
Carter Capocaccia